when should you call an emergency electrician?

Under What Circumstances Should I Consult an Emergency Electrician?

As one of Sussex’s leading electrical companies and the foremost provider of emergency electrician services in the region, we know a thing or two about electrical faults.

Any disruption to the electrics in your home should be treated seriously. While it is only natural to want to try and fix the issue yourself, electricity is one of those forces that isn’t really designed with amateurs in mind. It is dangerous, potentially deadly, and should only ever be dealt with by a trained professional.

For your peace of mind, here are some of the warning signs…

Evidence of fire

Of course, if your sockets are actually on fire, the first person to call should be the fire brigade (once you and your family are safely out of the house, of course), followed by an emergency electrician. The symptoms often appear earlier than that, however – symptoms like sparks when you plug an appliance into a socket, or the smell of burning rubber around the wall sockets. If you notice either of these things, get an emergency electrician out before it becomes something more serious.

Sudden loss of power

There are few things scarier – particularly at night – than all the power suddenly going out. The first thing you need to do is see if you are the only one affected. If the rest of your street is suffering from the same power outage, then there is an issue with the local grid, and nothing you can do, except wait. On the other hand, if the rest of the street’s houses seem to have running electricity, the problem is in your own home, and will require an emergency electrician to put right.

Power surges

Occasionally you can see the lights in your house suddenly brighten for no apparent reason, like you’re in an episode of Most Haunted. This is a power surge and, if it occurs once or twice in a blue moon, it’s nothing to be overly concerned about. Regular surges and intermittent flickering of the lights could indicate a weakness in your electric system, and should be investigated by an emergency electrician.

Water coming into contact with electrical wires

One of the worst combinations you can get – at home, or anywhere else – is water and electricity. Being a natural conductor of electricity, when water comes into contact with an electrical source it acts as a conduit for all that energy, putting anybody in the vicinity at severe risk of electrocution. If there has been a sudden ingress of water into your property, say as the result of flooding, or a burst water pipe, get everybody away from the water, and call an emergency electrician immediately. Here at T G Gregory, we have been providing the people of Sussex with essential emergency electrician services for the last two decades, helping out thousands of satisfied customers across the county, when they needed us the most. If you spot any of the tell-tale signs listed above, give us a call on 01273 796 145 or 07748 289 439, and we will have somebody at your door as soon as possible.

Get in touch

For all your electrical contractor needs, call a dedicated local electrician today on 01273 796 145 or 07748 289439
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